martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Lesson 18: Unit 36 HEALTH AND ILLNESS

Lesson 18: Unit 36  HEALTH AND ILLNESS

David: Today we talk about health and illness.
Kevin: We look at what to say if you’re feeling ill.
Natalie: How to give advice to other people when they’re feeling ill.
Kevin: When you’re ill you may feel pain. You may feel pain here, in your head. Oh! I have a headache.
Natalie: Or here in your throat. I’ve got a sore throat.
David: And I’ve got a temperature. This is a thermometer. You use it to check your temperature. Normal body temperature is 36.9 Celsius. If it’s more than that, we say I’ve got a temperature.
Kevin: And in the States we often I have a fever.
Natalie: Julia Marsh is flat. There’s someone with a very high temperature.


James: Hello Julia.
Julia: Hello James.
Karl: Good morning James.
James: Karl! What are you doing here? Aren’t you going back to Germany today?
Julia: He isn’t very well.
James: What’s the matter with you?
Karl: I don’t know. I have a...
Julia: A sore throat.
Karl: Yes, I have a sore throat and a headache. I feel awful.
James: Have; have you got a temperature?
Karl: What do you mean?
James: Have you very hot? Do you have a high temperature?
Karl: Oh! Yes. I think so.
Julia: I think you’ve got flu. You ought to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Karl: Here in England? I don’t know.
James: I think you should go back to your hotel, and you should call a doctor.
Karl: But I have to be back in Germany tomorrow.
Julia: karl, you’re ill. I think you ought to stay here for a few days. What do you think, James?
James: No, Julia. He must do what he wants  to do. Karl, if I were you I’d go home tomorrow

I have a sore throat
I’ve got a sore throat

You should call a doctor
You ought  to stay here
If I were you, I’d go home


Alf: What would you do if someone gave you a million pounds?
Joyce: I’d spend it.
Bert: You’d spend it?
Joyce: Yes.
Alf: I’d save it.
Bert: You’d save it?
Alf: Yes. What would you do if someone gave you a million pounds?
Bert: I’d give it away!
Joyce and Alf: You’d give it away!
Bert: Yes.
Joyce: A million pounds! I’ll spend it. How much for your beans?
Bert: a millions pounds exactly. And I’ll give it away.
Alf: Thanks. And I’ll save it.

I’d spend it
I would spend it

Natalie: What would you do if someone gave you a million pounds or a million dollars?

1.    Oh! If somebody gave me a million dollars, I’d contribute one tenth to my church, I’d like to do that, and the rest I’d use to pay off my bills and spread around my family.
2.    I would buy a very nice house somewhere hot, and have a very large studio, and a boat.
3.    I would spend some of it right away. And I would put some away for later, and I would give some to my children for their future.
4.    Oh, I’d pay for my wedding.
5.    I’d go shopping and buy clothes.
6.    I’d retire.

David: What would you do if you were ill when you were in other country? Would you go back home immediately? That’s what Karl Schiller wants to do, but Julia has other ideas.
Julia: Don’t argue, Karl. I’m taking you to see my doctor now!
Karl: No, I don’t want to do that.
Julia: Why not? What are you worried about?
Karl: I don’t like doctors.
Julia: What do you mean, you don’t like doctors?
Karl: Well… er… actually, I’m afraid of them.
Julia: What?!
Karl: It’s true. I’m frightened of going to the doctor’s.
James: I understand. I’m the same.
Julia: Oh come on, both of you! Don’t be so silly!
Karl: Listen it’s all right. I feel much better though. I think I should go back to Germany. I have a rest for a couple of days that I defied really.
Julia: Ok. If that’s what you want to do.
Karl: Thank you for all your help both of you. You’ve been very kind.
Julia: Don’t mention it. I hope you feel better soon.
Karl: Thank you. I’ll call you next week about advertising the new computer.
Julia: Good.
James: Ok. I’ll show you out. 
Karl: Thank you. Bye bye.

Kevin: Karl said he didn’t want to go to the doctors and he said it  in two different ways.

I’m afraid of doctors.
I’m frightened of going to the doctor’s.

Natalie: Some people are afraid of going to the doctor’s. And a lot of people are very frightened of going to the dentist’s.
Kevin: When was the last time you went to the dentist David:
David: I never go to the dentist my teeth are perfect.
Natalie: I think you ought to see a dentist.

David: No, my teeth are fine.

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