martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

Lesson 21: Unit 42 THE PRESS

Lesson 21: Unit 42 THE PRESS

David: Today we look at the press. That’s newspapers.
Kevin: And news magazine.
Natalie: What’s in a newspaper? Well, this is the front page, and this is the headline. This the back page and there are lots of articles. This is an article, and it’s written by a reporter or journalist. This article was written by a reporter called Howard Smith. Let’s see what’s in the newspaper today. Oh, a bank in Manchester was robbed last night.
David: Mm. Really?
Kevin: It’s that right. Oh, a new hotel was opened last week in Los Angeles.
David: Oh, yes.
Natalie: Really?
David: Hey, look at this.
Kevin: What?
David: The Queen was seen in a shop in Edinburgh.
Natalie: Really?
Kevin: The Queen in a shop? That’s amazing.

A bank was robbed last night.
A new hotel was opened.

David: What kind of things do you like reading in newspaper?

1.    I like to read the sports, and I like to read what’s going on locally versus nationwide.
2.    I like reading about current affairs, and I like reading art reviews and book reviews.
3.    I like to read first and foremost the news, but secondly the funny page.
4.    I usually only read the Sunday papers, and I like to read the whole thing; it’s part of the whole day.
5.    I read everything in the paper, except football.
6.    I always read the horoscopes.
7.    I like reading about the royal family.


David: Julia Marsh and James Brady are still working on the advertising campaign for the new educational computer.
Julia: Here it is. Listen and learn the talking computer.
James: Hey. That look great!
Julia: Are you surprised?
James: No, I knew it would look good.
Julia: Now… let’s look through all these newspapers and magazines.
James: Why?
Julia: To see if there are any new advertisements for other computers.
James: Oh. Right. Hey! Lola Davis has been arrested!
Julia: James!
James: No, listen to this: “Jazz pianist Lola Davis was arrested last night at her hotel in Liverpool”.
Julia: Look, don’t read the articles, look at the advertisements!
James: Sorry. Hmm! Two famous Greek statues have been stolen from a museum in Athens.
Julia: Really?
James: Apparently they were stolen yesterday morning, while their guards were having coffee.
Julia: Very interesting. Can we get on with our work?
James: OK….Hey!
Julia: James!
James: I’m sorry, Julia, there’s a story here you may wish to read.
Julia: I’m too busy.
James: It’s about MAP.
Julia: Really? MAP? Let me have a look.
David: James is more interested in looking at the articles than the advertisements.

Lola Davis has been arrested.
She was arrested last night.
Two statues have been stolen.
They were stolen yesterday.


Reporter: Og has been robbed. And Og’s wife has been robbed.
Editor: Are you sure?
Reporter: Yes!... Og has been robbed, Og’s wife has been robbed, and Og’s brother has been robbed! Everything has been stolen!... Er… Og… and Og’s wife… and Og’s brother… haven’t been robbed.
Editor: What?
Reporter: It was a mistake. Everything has been found.


Julia: The prize for the best advertising campaign of the year has been presented to MAP Advertising.
James: What for? Which campaign?
Julia: Um… hold on…MAP were given the prize for… Where is it? Ah, the Drake Bicycles campaign. Apparently Tom Hall was presented with the prize in London last night.
James: Last night? Tom was in London last night?
Julia: Yes, I’m surprised. He didn’t come and see us.
James: Are you surprised? I’m not.
Julia: Why?
James: Because he has been given a prize for something that was done by me.
Julia: What do you mean?
James: Drake Bycycles was my account. I managed that campaign.
Julia: Oh, I see.
James: I’d let have a word with Tom Hall
David: That’s all for today. The program was presented by Natalie Forbes.
Natalie: And Kevin Dutcher.

Kevin: and David Riley. Good bye.

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