sábado, 25 de febrero de 2017

Follow me 29 How many and how much?

I want to change some money, please.
How much money, sir?
Where are you going on holiday this year?
We going to France and Germany.
I can book your hotel for you.
We’re staying in hotels, good hotels.
Camping site.
I got a cold.
This box is empty.
I had a lot of tissues yesterday.
I’ve not got many now.
I need more tissues.
I’m wet.
Here’s the towel.
There’s only one towel.
We’ve got a lot of clothes.
What’s this?
The tent.
How much luggage have we got?
I haven’t got much.
You got a lot.
You’ve got three big suitcases and three small ones.
These boxes.
That’s not very much.
We can put more in here.
I want to take it.
Why are you taking these umbrellas?
We need to open bottles.
Why are you taking this?
Cans of food.
We’ll eat in restaurants.
It’s a coffee ready?

There isn’t any coffee I’m afraid.
This jar is empty.
There’s very little milk.
 There’s a lot of tea.
You don’t like tea.
There’s not much sugar.
There’s only a little sugar.
We need more sugar.
We haven’t got enough.
I’ll go and buy some.
Would you give me some tissues, please.
I’ll stay here.
I’m writing a letter.
Can I help you?
I want some coffee.
Some milk and some sugar.
That’s too much.
Heve you got a small sugar.
Is this enough?
You’d like some sugar?
A small packet.
This is half a kilo.
That’s enough.
I need some tissues.
A big box of tissues.
A bottle of milk.
We stayed in England.
We went camping.
We haven’t got a can opener.
We need one for those cans of fruit.
I’m afraid we haven’t got one.
I brought one and we need it.
That tend is too small.
It isn’t very big but doesn’t matter.
Shall I turn it on.

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