viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Look Ahead 20 The Rules of the Road

David: Today we’re going to look at driving. Now as you know. Kevin is learning to drive and he’s learning the rules of the road. So Natalie is going to give Kevin a little test. You ready Kevin?
Kevin: Yeah. Yes.
Natalie: What that this sign mean?
Kevin: That mean you have to stop.
Natalie: Correct. And now what that this sign mean?
Kevin: That sign mean no parking.
David: You can’t park here.
Natalie: And this sign?
Kevin: That mean it’s a one-way street.
David: You can drive your car in a one direction only along street.
Natalie: Well done Kevin.
1.      You can’t overtake. Overtaking allowed.
2.      No overtaking.
3.      That sign means that you are not allowed to overtake when you’re driving along the road.
4.      It means don’t overtake this piece of road.
5.      This sign means that you must reduce the speed at which you are travelling
6.      Reduce speed now, means slow down.
7.      That means you should slow down.
8.      It means to slow down.
9.      Go slower.
10.  Slow down.
Natalie: During the lunch break in MAP Advertising Julia Marsh goes shopping. She takes her car. She wants to go to a shop in South Street, but she doesn’t know where South Street is
Julia: Excuse me.
Policeman: Yes, madam.
Julia: Could you tell me the way to South Street?
Policeman: Of course. Turn right here. It’s the second on the right.
Julia: Thank you.
Policeman. Oh, madam.
Julia: Yes?
Policeman: You can’t park here.
Julia: But I won’t be long I’ll only be a few minutes.
Policeman: Sorry, madam. You have to move it. You’re parked on the yellow line. And there’s the sign. Look. You have to use the car park.
Julia: Ten minutes? I’m in a hurry. I have to go back to work.
Policeman: Sorry, madam.
Julia: Do I have to use the car park?
Policeman: Yes. This is a no-parking area.
Julia: Where is the car park?
Policeman: Not far. Go along this road and take the second turning on the left. The first is a one way street. Turn left again and the car park is in front of you.
Julia: Thank you.

David: You use the brakes to stop.
James: Good afternoon. Is my car ready?        
Dependent: Mr. Brady!
James: Yes.
Dependent: Oh. Bad news I’m afraid.
James: What is it?
Dependent: There’s something wrong whit the brakes and one of the lights doesn’t work.
James: When can you repair them?
Dependent: With the lights is no problem. The breaks we can’t repair the brakes before next week, I’m afraid.
James: But I’m driving to Edimburgh tomorrow.
Dependent:  would you like to rent a car? Give you a special price. Just fill in a form and off you go.
James: Thank you.

Mother:What does that said?
Son: Danger.
Mother: And what does that mean.
Son: It means is dangerous to cross the road.
Mother: Correct. Before you cross the road look left, then look right, then look left again. Wait. It is safe. Is a car coming. You, number two.
Son: I’m number three.
Mother: All right then number three.
Son: It’s safe. Nothing is coming.

Mother: Correct. Now we can cross the road, Remember, when you cross the road you have to stop and look left then you look…

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